Monday, December 16, 2013

Give Me Five: Favorite Christmas Ornaments

Weather it goes up before Thanksgiving, or you wait until Christmas Eve to put up your tree, every year as your decorations come out, they evoke Memories and feelings of nostalgia. In this Holiday addition of Give Me Five, I'm gonna show you some of my Favorite Ornaments that go on our Christmas Tree every year and why I look forward to seeing them year after year! 

1. Places
I got Santa on the Eiffel Tower many years ago 
to mark my Trip to Paris when I was 20! 
And after my boys and I went to New York City a few years ago 
I bought this ornament of the Empire State Building. 
We have great Memories (and Pictures) from the top! 

I love Starfish!
 I found this Starfish Ornament in San Diego on our Family Vacation!
I love Ornaments that remind you of places you've been,
and conger up Great Memories!

2. Play
My Favorite Doll as a Child was Raggedy Ann!
And one of my favorite Ornaments is of her!
I also have so many of my kids' favorite toys;
Super Heroes for Kyle, Thomas the Tank Engine for Zach, 
Barbies, or Teddy Bears for my girls, Etc.
I've tried to get them ornaments each year 
that represent whats going on in their lives! 
Weather that be toys they're into, Sports or Instruments they play!
Christmas should bring out the Child in all of us!

3. Personal
My Sister Debbie would send me an ornament every year
I have so many from her and I love them all!
Especially now since she is gone.

One of my most Favorite is this little heart ornament
It unlocks and opens into a scene of a family decorating their tree. 
She sent it to me in 1992, 
after I, with my husband and our 2 little boys 
had moved across the country!
We think of her and talk about her every year as we put up our tree! 
Since many of my ornaments came from her. 
My oldest son has even bought me a "Sister"ornament from her 
after she was gone. 
That's how much they mean to us. 

4. People
Besides missing my Sister at Christmas, 
I also miss my Parents.
This is an ornament my boys gave my Dad when they were little, 
it hung on his Tree every year till he passed away
then my Mom gave it to us so now it hangs on our tree every year!

This is my Mom with Santa!
My Parents loved Christmas, 
so it's a blessing to think of them as we put up our tree every year!

5. Precious 
I love our "Baby's First Christmas" Ornaments!
This is Kyle in his Santa Suit!

Zach at just over a Month old!
Any ornaments with pictures of the kids when they were little 
are Precious to me!

Twin little Booties for Erica and Lexi!
I Adore Trees decorated in a Theme or color, 
but I will always have to have a tree with all our Special Ornaments to look back on! 

So there are just some of my Favorite Christmas Tree Ornaments, I'd love to know about some of your favorites as well. It's Christmas, you can't be too sappy right?! :) 

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