Thursday, December 12, 2013

What To Ask Santa For?

I saw this on Pinterest & Loved it! I pinned it to my Christmas Board. You've heard the saying "Keep It Simple!" Well this does just that. It's what we're using for our Christmas lists this year . . . .

Now when someone in the Family says "Oh, you are just gonna Love what I got you for Christmas!" The person they are talking to tries to get a hint of what the gift might be by asking which of the 4 categories it falls under. We usually say something like 3 out of the 4! ;) I figure if it comes in a box, or has a label on it, you could read it right?! If you can set it on top of your head, technically you could wear it! You know, anything to through that person off the trail! 

Here are what my 4 items would be:

1. Something I Want

I saw this Calvin Klein Bag Month ago & fell head over heels! Thankfully (and Thanks to Macy's Black Friday Sale) I was able to get it for 75% off! Score! I told my Husband that this is the only present I need this year! Oh, and don't worry, I will act totally surprised when I open it on Christmas morning! :0

2. Something I Need

The ONLY thing I Really Need right now is a New Job! But I don't think this is something Santa can leave in my Stocking, so I've had to go over his head! That's right, straight to the top! I'm asking God for this one! I'll let you know when it gets here!

3. Something to Wear

This one isn't hard at all for me, I pretty much Love all Clothes & Shoes, Scarves, Etc. Same with my girls! Like Mother, Like Daughters!! :)

4. Something to Read

Now my oldest Son, Kyle (the only non-reader in the Family) asked if he could change the Something to Read, to Something to Watch! He'd much rather get a DVD than a Book. I know, Crazy right?! I, unlike Kyle, Love Books. One I'm really looking forward to is The Invention Of Wings by: Sue Monk Kidd who also wrote The Secret Life Of Bees & Traveling With Pomegranates, both books I really liked! This new one of hers doesn't come out till January & Oprah has already selected it for her Book Club next Read! It sounds very intriguing! I can't wait to read it!

So, following this list of "Something I Want, Something I Need, Something to Wear, Something to Read" What 4 items would you ask Santa for this year?

1 comment:

  1. I want Star to start up book club again cuz I'm taking break from working awhile and can't wait to read!!! Can Santa handle this one or do I need to go straight to the top too? LOL No one does book club like you! I do appreciate your recommendations though. After years of being assigned something to read, no clue how to choose for myself. We have similar if not identical taste in books, so you are my go-to book guru :-)
