Tuesday, February 4, 2014

An Attitude Of Gratitude!

I have been out of a job for over a month now, & have been job hunting relentlessly. I've gone on a LOT of job interviews. Their are so many people out of work. The waiting is so hard. It's easy (especially for a worrier like me!) to get down & depressed. But as you know my word for 2014 is Hope! And as part of my Year Of Hope I'm choosing to look on the Bright Side. So for the Month of February I've decided to concentrate on what I do have instead of what I don't.

I'm making a list! Everyday of this Month I will write down something I am Grateful for. Because no matter how bad things get, there is Always, Always something to be Grateful for! And after all, February is the month for Love & Gratitude, right?! Some of you may keep a Gratitude Journal & do this regularly. If you don't you could start a list with me, or use a Monthly Calendar & write in everyday 1 thing you are Thankful for. It's early enough in the Month, you could easily catch up.

I think this is a great way to help me keep my mind in the right place! Staying Positive, instead of going negative. Which is sometimes the easiest way to go. Gratitude turns what we have into enough! And I'm starting the Month & my Gratitude list with each of my Family members. And I think as I ad their name to my list each day, I'll make each of them a list where I'll write down all the things I'm grateful for about each of them and give it to them on Valentines Day! 

Won't you join me in cultivating an Attitude Of Gratitude?! And start your own list of 28 things you are Grateful for in the month of February!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love this idea. It's so sweet. I've done something similar in the past and it seemed to have fizzled, but I realize I need to get back into it! Thanks for the wonderful reminder :-)
