Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Shirley Temple Black

 I'm so sad to hear of the death of Shirley Temple Black. I've always loved her & her Movies! I was always told I looked like her. (It was the curly hair, I'm sure) And then when my own daughters were little, strangers stopped them all the time to ask my girls if they knew who Shirley Temple was, because they looked just like her. These are My daughters we're talking about here, so of course they knew who she was! Click here for proof! :)

She was 85 years old when she passed away. She sang & danced into the hearts of all who saw her, becoming America's Sweetheart, one of the first real "Child Stars!" Becoming a multi millionaire by the time she was 12, continuing to do some acting as a teenager. She retired at the age of 22, going on to become a wife & mother. Surviving Breast Cancer as well.

As an adult she pursued a career in Politics. Becoming the U.S. Representative to the United Nations, and a United States Ambassador to Ghana & Czechoslovakia! She was also the first woman to be Chief of Protocol in the State Department. Talk about Girl Power! I sure wish child stars of today realized that there's more to life than fame, like Shirley Temple did! 

I've always loved Shirley Temple and all her movies. I have a few of them on VHS, which means I can't watch them anymore, having just a DVD player. (I know first world problems, right?!) :) But my all time Favorite Movie of hers is The Little Princess! There is no doubt she made the world a better place by being in it! She will be missed by Generations past, present & future. 

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