Saturday, March 29, 2014

My Baby Boy Is Engaged!

My son Zach has been dating Kendra for about 2 and a half years now and has been planning a Proposal for some time. Back in November He took his Mom & Sisters ring shopping. He had a picture on his phone of a ring she said she liked some time before. And after looking in many Jewelry stores to find one similar, he found the one he wanted! Kendra is tiny, so it was a challenge finding a ring that could be sized down to a size 4 without changing it's shape too much, which would loosen the prongs. 

He's taking the Plunge!

He was so funny with the ring, he wouldn't let anyone touch it. He kept it in the Ring Box inside the store box, inside the store bag, inside a Ziploc bag! He hid it in his Dad's sock drawer in case when Kendra was here for Christmas she wouldn't accidentally find it in his room! He let everyone know if he gets any calls or mail from the Jewelry store while she's here not to give it to him.

 At the Airport on their way!

They had planned a trip to Oregon (Where Kendra is from) for Spring Break so Zach could meet her Brother & Sister In Law & 2 Nephews. Her favorite place is the Beach, so he thought the Beach in Oregon would be the perfect backdrop to pop the question! He messaged her Brother & Sister In Law and told them of his plans and to get their help in planning the special event. He wrapped the ring box in a pair of his socks & hid it in his carry on bag. 

Zach & Kendra with her Brother Shawn & Tawnya, 
and their boys; Taylor & Colin

Now Kendra lives in Northern Arizona about a 5 or so hour drive from us. So Zach enlisted her other Brother & Sister In Law who lives in the same town to get Kendra out of the house so he could Skype with her parents to tell them of his plans and ask for their Blessing. So they had her over for dinner. Zach was so nervous to talk with her parents, but they gave their Blessing! So our whole family, her whole family and a very few friends knew about the plan, but all kept it a total secret from Kendra! Good Job Everyone! :) 

The Moment before The Proposal!
She has no idea!

Kendra's brother in Oregon told Zach of a Lighthouse on a Beach you can take tours of, Zach liked the idea of a Lighthouse, since Oregon in March could still be pretty cold to do it on the Beach. So her brother looked into it & set it up so that after the Tour, they could have the Lighthouse for 30 minuets or so to themselves!

She said "Yes!"

He said he was so excited and nervous! Going over & over in his head all day, everything he wanted to say! On their drive out to the Lighthouse a song came on the Radio by a band called The Rend Collective about a Lighthouse. Zach, Shawn & Tawnya tried not to laugh, as not to give anything away to Kendra that something was up! :)

The Beautiful Ring on her finger!

After he proposed, they wanted to buy a momento of the occasion, but the Gift shop had just closed. :( Shawn knocked on the door & told them they had just got engaged & wanted to buy something! They let them in! :) They chose a Christmas Ornament of the Lighthouse! Their first Ornament together! And you know how much I love Christmas! They couldn't have picked anything better!

On the Beach at Yaquina Head Light 

After the Proposal they walked on the Beach & took some pictures. Then they all went out to a nice Restaurant called Tidal Raves looking out over the Beach to Celebrate! And they called their families to let them know, of course! We Love Kendra and my girls are excited their going to have an older Sister!

We had their cars ready for them when they got home! :)

Zach has about 3 semesters left at ASU, then they will get Married! Let the planning fun begin! Congratulations Zach & Kendra! We are so happy for you both! 

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to all! We are so happy for you!! Thanks for sharing their story! So sweet! and I love that he asked her parents for their blessing first!! ♥
