Monday, March 17, 2014

Our "Couples" Photo Shoot

A good friend of mine posted on Facebook that her Daughter, Maddie, one of my Girls' Best Friends since Kindergarten, needed a Couple to take pictures of for her Photography class. And that she was tired of using her parents! :)

 I told her we'd do it for her. Why not?! Our Daughter, Erica has taken Photography classes as well and I know some of those assignments could be hard to come by. And we could always use some new, fresh pictures!

She took us to a big, empty warehouse type building, that use to be a locally owned Furniture store called The Potato Barn here in town.


 She had some ideas for posses she wanted, and then we all came up with a few others, inspired by the rustic surroundings.

There were Train Tracks out behind the building, and they always make for some great shots as well. 

This next shot is one of my Favorites of the day.

And our own little Photog, Erica, uses any opportunities to take some cool shots as well. Making her sister, Lexi pose for her . . .

Gotta love this Photo Bomb by Maddie! :) Flying into the picture, she didn't even drop her Camera!

And when I saw this little opening I told the girls "come get under here and I'll take some shots of your feet! It will be like Footloose!"

These girls are all Dancers and Daughters of 80's Moms after all! They were all for it! Love them! :)

This is my girls with Maddie back when they went to a Harry Potter Movie Premier and made their T-shirts! So cute!

And a more recent shot of the three BFFs! Beautiful young women!

Maddie did a great job! It was a fun Photo shoot! And who doesn't want to be a Model for a day?! Just wait till she gets my bill! :)


This last shot was the one she turned in for the assignment. So cute! And she got an A on it! How could she not with these subjects right?! :)

And someday when shes a world famous photographer, which she will be! I'll be able to say I had my pic taken by her! And you can too! Check out her website: EMZY Photo. this Girl is going places!


  1. Awe! How sweet! I love those pictures of you and your hubby.

  2. STAR!!! How are you? It's been way too long since I've been on your blog. Your pictures are darling! What a cute couple you are! And so nice for volunteering. Glad to see you're still blogging and laughing through it all! Me too.... sort of! HAhaha!
