Monday, September 14, 2015

Are Twins As Smart As Other Children?

 Because the best part of going back to school is
Back To School Shopping!

Senior Year times Two!! It's true, my Baby Girls have started their Senior Year of High School. And I may, or may not, have shed actual tears the night before school started! I just don't understand; why do they have to grow up? I tried to ground them from Senior Year, but it didn't really work.

 Erica on the first day of Senior Year, 
With the first day of Kindergarten for comparison! 

And Lexi on her last First Day of School! 
And her first First Day of School!! 

 And what an insanely crazy year this is going to be. Lexi has a before school class that starts at 6:30am, Erica starts at 7:30am. Both girls get out of school at 11:30am, then Lexi goes straight to Cosmetology School, which starts at noon, then 2 nights a week goes back to the High School for Marching Band practice, with Performances at Football Games on Friday Nights! She then has some practices and/or Band Competitions on Saturdays. And she works every Sunday Morning doing daycare for a Church! Erica has a job as a key holder at a little Boutique in the mall, she works about 3 nights a week & on weekends as well. Yes, I have very ambitious Daughters! They also are involved in my Book Club when they can be! 

And on top of it all they get really Good Grades! Lexi is in the top 18% of her Class! (And this would be much higher, but she got her first C last year in an Online class she took) With Erica being ranked #17 out of 488 Graduating Seniors! Putting her in the top 3%! They might look like me, but these brains, I don't think they got from me! :0 And to think that when I was pregnant with them, reading all the information I could find regarding Twins, a lot of it said Twins are not as smart as Single Born Children, usually falling behind physically, emotionally & intellectually. I think we have proved them wrong! When they were little my girls were a little behind it their Speech, taking Speech Therapy from Pre-School through about 5th Grade! Then they graduated out! They have had no other difficulties! I am very Thankful to our Public School System here, who always let me decide weather or not to separate them or keep them in the same class. Which I did both at different times. At first one of them tended to fall behind when they weren't together, but with teachers that would work with them, that changed as well! I've never had to sit with them to make sure they did their homework, they just always did it! And even when they were little babies & everyone would fuss over them & say how Beautiful they were (which they were & still are!) I would whisper in their little ears "Yes, you are Beautiful, but you are Smart, and you are Funny!" I believe all girls are Beautiful, but they are also so much more than that! So, I guess to answer the question; Are Twins As Smart As Other Children? As the Mother of Twins, I would have to say a definite Yes!!

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