Sunday, October 4, 2015

Happy 18th!!

 Guess who's now old enough to Vote?! 
That's right, my baby girls turned 18 today!

 Erica Starr
Smart, Talented, Beautiful and Brave
Who never lets her sister forget she's 4 minuets older!

 Alexia Jewell
Talented, Smart, Beautiful and Fun
Who will always try to hug her sister in public and embarrass her!

We had a Family Birthday Lunch at The Cheesecake Factory
I just Love being their Mom!

And they are still my little Princesses!
And I found just the right wrapping paper to prove it! :)

Cheese Cake Birthday Cake!
Lexi chose Pumpkin & Erica Red Velvet

Then we went to see the Broadway Musical Wicked!
It is so good! The girls just Loved it! 

Defying Gravity;
"Because Everyone Deserves A Chance To Fly!"

Happy 18th Birthday Erica & Lexi
Just Keep On Dancing Through Life!

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