Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Leaving Las Vegas!

Las Vegas, Nevada is only about a Five and a Half Hour Drive from Phoenix. I've been there once as a Teenager, then again about 10 years ago for a Friends Wedding! (Where Elvis Sang!) ;)

Recently my older Brother Danny, had an idea to have our Cousins meet us in Las Vegas for a Reunion. We are spread out around the U.S. Only a few of us were able to go; Danny & I from Arizona, Brother & Sister Robert and Cheryl from Michigan, and Kathy from Oklahoma! Throw in some Spouses, plus Kathy and I also brought our Sons and Daughter in Laws, to make it a reunion of two Generations!

 My Road Trip Partners, Kyle and Katie, in a photo I call "What Are You Looking At?"
(. . . "Nothing!") :)

And I have found when you travel with Hipsters like Kyle & Katie, you find yourself in Hip places, like this cool little Coffee Shop, that plays only Vinyls, they found in old Las Vegas!

Proof that my cousins Cheryl and Robert have gone over to the Dark Side! But, I think we all knew that! Haha!

This is how I woke my kids up in the morning, by playing Katy Perry's Waking Up In Vegas song! :)

Now there are some things I really like about Vegas, and there are some things I Really don't like about it, for instance I am a Big City Girl! I'm one of those strange folks that actually love crowds, traffic, buildings, etc. and there is tons of all those things to see and experience in Vegas! But seeing people in all manor of dress (or undress, more accurately) or publicly drinking with small children in tow, are just some of what I dislike about Vegas.

This is the first time I have experienced Fremont Street, which is in Old Las Vegas, it was "The Strip" before The Strip that we now know, back in the days of the Rat Pack! There is a cool light show above you, though I felt we needed to Bleach our eyes out after some of the things you'll see there! :0

I much preferred spending my time seeing the sights in "New York, New York!"

Or in "Paris!" Day or Night!! :)

We all had lunch at the Top Of The World in the Stratosphere & could see the whole City from there!

I couldn't sit too close to the windows though! :) Then we saw a show of a Magician who had been on America's Got Talent.

There is a lot to see and do in Las Vegas! But of course, some of What Happened in Vegas, Stay's in Vegas! ;)

And if you go you have to check out the Bellagio! It is just Lovely!

The Garden's inside are always Amazing! They change with the Seasons!

And of course the Fountains outside, as seen in the Movie Oceans 11, are Awe Inspiring!

My Cousin Kathy's son Larry & his wife Sabrina in front of the Welcome To Las Vegas sign! So cute!

The Fabulous whole group, wearing our Reunion shirts, in front of the Sign as well. It was great getting to see some cousins I haven't seen in way too long & catching up with them. We plan on having more of these Family Reunions. We're talking about Branson, Mo. next year! And hopefully more of us can be there!

Until next time Vegas, whenever that may be!

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