Thursday, November 12, 2015

Thankful Thursday: Weddings

 Today I am Thankful for Weddings! 

 As you may know we had a Wedding this past weekend;
Our Son, Zach got Married!

 It was a Beautiful day for Zach and Kendra! 
(There are more pictures to come at a latter date!)

 And as you'll remember, 
We had a Wedding last year as well. 

Last October Our oldest son, Kyle, 
Married the Beautiful Katie! 

And just over 28 Years Ago, 
We had a Wedding of our own!

 Wedding's are fun! 
They bring Families and Friends together! 

 This is my Sister and I Together through the years at our Brothers' Weddings,
My Wedding and our Parents 50th Wedding Vow Renewal!

 Long Before he was a Groom, 
Kyle was a Ring Bearer.

 And Once Upon a Time
My Girls were Beautiful Flower Girls! 

This time they were Bridesmaids! 
But they are not allowed to become Brides for a long, long time! :) 

This is the only photo John and I have seen of us at our sons wedding, 
until we get the official Photo's back of course.
(guess we were too busy to take pictures!)
And we wouldn't have this one if my girls' best Friend, who is a budding photographer,
 hadn't sent her mom up to the Dance Floor to tell us 
"The light is perfect for pictures right now, come out to the Orchard!"
So we did! And I'm so Thankful for it!  

So, let this Thankful Thursday post serve as a reminder to you
 as you attend Weddings;
Celebrate Love!
Enjoy & Have Fun!
Gather your Family and Friends!
(put aside any drama, cause every family has some)
Dance, Sing, Laugh! 
And Cherish the Memories!

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