Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thankful Thursday: Family Traditions


I have a Tradition here on The Blog, where every Thursday during the month of November, I talk about something I'm Thankful for! There is so much to be Thankful for, when we take the time to stop and reflect. And It's got me thinking about other Traditions we do . . .


When you Marry someone & become a new Family, you have to take Traditions from both of your Families & combine them together. And then it's fun, as you become a Couple, and then Parents, to come up with some Traditions of your own!


Some of my Favorite Family Traditions happen around Holiday's; Since our Children were little, for Valentines Day, we would have a "Fancy" Family Dinner together, complete with Candle Light, & Give Sweet little gifts (John & I would save our Valentines Date Night for another day, to spend Valentines with our kids) and our kids always look forward to it! For Birthdays, we might not have always had a lot of money to spend on big gifts or party's, but we always made it special! I've always thought the biggest responsibility of Parenthood, was to create Great Memories for your Children! There are Fireworks on the 4th of July! And Carving Pumpkins in the Fall! And on Thanksgiving, we have certain foods we Have to have, or it's just not Thanksgiving! :) And I like to go around the table and tell what we're Thankful For! And then, getting up really early on Black Friday to go Shopping is so much fun, and the perfect way to start off the Christmas Season. 

We have a lot of Christmas Family Traditions: Decorating! Baking Cookies, using my Mom's Recipe! Watching Christmas Movies as a Family! Looking at Christmas Lights! Reading The Christmas Story out of The Bible on Christmas Morning! And my Favorite Christmas Family Tradition is that for every year, since my Children we're born, we have had our kids' picture taken with Santa Clause! I have 2 Photo Albums full of the Photo's. It's so much fun to look back through all the years of pictures! And the miraculous thing is my kids still do it! That's right, they are now 18 - 25 years old & every year we still go, to keep up the tradition, and get our picture taken with Santa! My Heart is as full as these Photo Albums! What are your Favorite Family Traditions?


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