Tuesday, December 29, 2015

This Year Has Been Brought To You By The Word; Grace

 My Word Of The Year, for 2015 has been the word Grace. After reading the Book last November, One Thousand Gifts by: Ann Voskamp, where she reminds us that no matter what's going on in your life, there is always things to be Thankful for! And that Grace comes in the form of Gifts. It got me started keeping a Gratitude Journal of my own, taking the time to notice the big & the small gifts I've been given.

And this year I've read a Book called What's So Amazing About Grace? By; Philip Yancey. Another great Book about the beauty & importance of receiving & giving Grace. I highly recommend both of these Books. We've been given so much. And to whom much is given, much is required.

We receive Grace, or unmerited favor, & we should in turn extend Grace to others. Choosing this as my Word of the year was just a way of reminding myself to notice, and be grateful for, what I've been given, and in turn to give back. Bestow Grace, just as I have received it. What a Beautiful word, Grace.

So ask yourself, What Grace has been given to you? Be grateful for all you've been given. And how can you extend Grace to others who are in need? 2015 has been a beautiful Grace filled year! I am more aware of the presence of Grace in my life & I look for opportunities to show and extend Grace to others I might meet. And you'll just have to stay tuned to see what my Word for 2016 will be! :)

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