Sunday, January 3, 2016

2016: A Year Of JOY!

 This was my result from a random Facebook quiz I took!

When trying to choose a Word of the Year for 2016, there was a lot to consider. As I looked forward to the New Year ahead, there are some really exciting things that will be happening! For one thing; Our closest Friends will be moving to Aruba! How Exciting is that?! We are so thrilled for them! And are so proud that they are really doing it and are following a life long dream! But, on the other hand; Our Closest Friends Are Moving Far, Far Away! We have rung in the New Year together for many years now! And we are sad that we won't be able to see them anytime we want to. But on the other hand, we have an open invitation & a place to stay on Aruba! :) (Yes, I have always been a glass half full type person!)

 With our friends & soon to be Aruba citizens; Tammy & Jay,
On New Years Eve!

Both our son's are Married now & on their own. And in 2016 our Daughters will Graduate from High School! The night before their senior year began, I admit, I shed a few tears. I am no where near ready to have an empty nest! I am hoping that like our boys, the girls will choose to stay home throughout College. But they have dreams of traveling the world! I wonder where they got that from? By the age of 2, they had been in like 25 States (and that numbers doubled by now) cultivating a love for people, cultures & places! (That was dumb of me!) ;) I really do want them to live full, big lives & to see the world! I've always told my kids they can do anything they set their mind to, and be anything they want to be! But, can't they do that close to home with their mom right there?! :)

 Our soon to be Graduates!! 

So, even though there are a lot of Wonderful things happening in this year, I was starting to feel sad thinking about it all. But, I've always tried to look on the Bright Side of any situation, silver lining & all, so I wanted my Word of the Year to be something positive. Then the perfect word hit me: JOY! I'm choosing to see all the Joy in everything that will be happening this year, instead of concentrating on the down side.

 Continuing my theme from last year;
Gifts, Gratitude & Grace!

I started gathering things that say Joy on them and putting them around the house. And for Christmas my loving Husband bought me a Journal that says Be filled with Joy on the Cover. And on the inside he wrote some quotes on Joy, with a personal note. I love it! And all throughout the year I will use it to write down each day, something that brings me Joy!

 My Joy Journal! 

I will also, throughout the year, do things purposefully that bring me Joy. My Girls & I are working on a special project, a way to share Joy with others who need it, I will tell you more about latter. And since Dancing always brings Joy, I am thinking of taking a Dance Class of some kind. Possibly Hula again, but I'm keeping my options open for now. I guess we'll see where this Joy Journey takes me!

Let there be . . .

What is your Word Of The Year this year? Do you make New Years Resolutions? Or do you pick a theme or word to live by? Or simply set Goals to work on throughout the year ahead? Which ever way you approach 2016, I wish you a very Happy New Year that's full of Joy!

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