Monday, May 11, 2009

My Mothers Day

Yesterday was such a nice day. My kids all gave me the cutest cards . . .

Lexi's had a little girl on the front wearing her mommy's high heels, and inside it said "It was from you that I learned to be me." I love that.

Erica's card said "Just think, Mom, if I'm the princess, that makes you the queen!" So true, on both counts!

And Kyle and Zach gave me a card with two little boys fighting in the bathtub that said "Happy Mother's Day to the referee who kept us from killing each other." Too funny.

John gave me a card too, that was so sweet. (But, I think I'll keep that one to myself!) ; )

And my gifts . . .

I got a Flat Wallet in Bright Yellow, to match my Dolce & Gabbana Bag.
Love it!

And yes, Kathie Lee Gifford's new book. "Just When I Thought I Dropped My Last Egg"It's what I asked for. I know it's cheesy, But, I'm a big fan! And I can't wait to read it! I think she and I are similar parenting types. (And we both love to talk about our kids!)

Then we went and spent the day with My Mom, and three of my brothers and their wives & kids. Where we ate, (all the men cooked!) and played games and the kids swam. It was fun.

All this after a great weekend away for me. My Church had our Women's Retreat this weekend. So, the two day's leading up to Mother's Day I spent poolside at a Scottsdale Resort with a lot of good friends! Having a ball.

John and the kids had a good weekend together at home. The house was even picked up when I got home! And they went down to Casa Grande to spend an afternoon with John's Mom to celebrate Mother's Day with her too.

I am so blessed to have great women in my life. My Mom and my Mother-in-law are great examples for me, and my daughters as well. As are all my sisters-in laws, and my friends.
I only hope I can live up!

I hope you had a Wonderful Mother's Day as well!
You deserve it!


C. JoyBell C. said...

"It was from you I learned to be me."

That is soooo heartwarming...omg...I think I'm tearing-up!

Mimi said...

Sounds like an awesome Mother's Day.

Thanks for stopping by my blog & helping to make my SITS day special!

Dana Tate said...

i love the cards you got. what cute sayings! i am so checking out the flat wallet. I have never seen that it looks very cool! said...

Awww, your kids cards were precious!

Stopping by from SITs! Have a great day!

wenderful said...

Thanks for stopping by and helping me celebrate my sits day today! I had ginormous fun.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a perfect day!

Nicki said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog on my SITS day! Happy Belated Mother's Day!!