Welcome to the store:I was hired at Bath & Body works to be the Manager in charge of floor sets. What that means for you non retail people is that a couple times each month after the store is closed we come in & reset the sales floor. That is, to rearrange the way the floor looks, move things around, put out new product, even decorate for the season. It's a lot of work, but also a lot of fun! I'd thought I'd give you a closer look at this aspect of my job:
Ashley showing what our store looked like for Valentines Day!
Laura at the Cash Wrap
Our side window
Liz, putting together the new hanging flowers!
A lot of work goes into these floor sets, even ahead of time!
The Balloons have to come down before the flowers can go up!
That's Laura who "hearts" Bath & Body Works! :)
The store Manager Cindy, going over with Allysha
how this table should look.
Sara, getting new product out!
Alisha setting her table . . .
That will end up looking like this!
Allysha moving things around!
I think those bags weigh more than she does!
Amanda is the Queen of the front windows!
She always makes them look so inviting!
See for yourself . . .
The "after" of our side window.
Cindy & Laura working on hanging the new Cash wrap mural!"Look out below!"
Brittany & Lori getting the flowers ready to be hung.
The sink becomes one of many catchalls!Love the sign: Spread Love, not Germs! :)
And when something gets broke, you know it's Victorya!Even when she's not working, we all blame her now!
Lisa, mopping up.
Always willing to do whatever needs to be done!
Me getting cheeky, while reorganizing the Lip table!
I bring snacks in for the girls while we work. And sometimes were there pretty late! But the store always looks great! See for yourself our finished product:
Ready for spring!
Looking good, if I do say so myself! (and I do!)
And just think, in a couple of weeks, we'll change it all again!
Wow, and here I was thinking the displays magically changed themselves! Never really thought about how much work goes into making the store look great. They are lucky to have you!
Star, you must be really happy with a job like that! Always surrounded by makeup and body care items! It's good you're a pastor's wife, reminds you not to steal stuff! HAHAHAHA! How tempting! Hey, do you get to take home a lot of free stuff since you're the manager there?? :)
Thank you for being so happy for me over the release of my new novella, I'm so lucky to have people in my life like you, who rejoice with me in my joys! :)
Love ♥
Thanks Darrell, & Charity, thankfully I've never been tempted to take things that don't belong to me! And the whole staff, not just managers get a great discount & yes sometimes even free stuff! :)
I've seen those big hanging flowers at other Bath and Body works stores and I'm wondering if there's any way to buy them? I'm a teacher and I would love them to decorate my classroom. Please let me know if you have any information.
We do sell our props sometimes. I know at my store we donate a lot of them to a center for Autism.
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