My oldest son, Kyle bought me a large volume containing 7 Jane Austin Novels! Love her, but I've only ever read Pride & Prejudice. It's such a nice addition to my collection of books. My other son, Zach got me the book Lisa Ling wrote with her sister who was captured in North Korea, I've been wanting to read it & of course picked it out myself! :)

And I can't wait to tell you about this next book! I'm so excited! When I first started Blogging I joined a couple of Blog groups. One of them was called Blogs Around the World. They would feature a different Blog each day & everyone would go read that Blog & comment. I "met" many interesting people from all around the world. But 1 in particular I really connected with. A young Blogger from The Philippians commented on my Blog the day I was featured. And I on hers the day she was featured. To look at us we didn't have much in common. Here I am in the states, raising 4 kids & trying to find the humor in life. She, living a much more glamorous life, traveling & finding the beauty the world has to offer. But we really hit it off & genuinely just liked each other. We continued to read each others Blogs & leave our comments. Even becoming Facebook friends! I think to her, I was an anomaly, having had a grandfather, I believe, who was a minister, she couldn't believe I, as a Pastor's wife, celebrate Christmas with Santa Clause & like U2! And I got to live vicariously through her fun & fashionable lifestyle!
Though we've never met in real life I consider her my friend. Her name is Charity. I've Blogged about her when her country was dealing with devastating floods. She writes Beautiful poetry & short stories. You should check it out here. (and there is always a link to her Blog on my sidebar) Well she recently had a book of her poetry published! How Awesome is that?! I'm so proud of her. I told my husband I wanted Charity's book for my Birthday. So, being the good husband that he is, he ordered it for me. I unwrapped it on Christmas night (which happens to be my Birthday!) & was looking through it. And as I read the Acknowledgments in the front of the book, in the very first sentence I find this: "My deepest gratitude to Koe Whitton-Williams and Jilly Nines for helping to make me a little wonderful, Star Forbis, Joy C. Brasington, Stacey R. Cannon for supporting my writings for so long and for encouraging me and loving me always," Wow! there it is, my name! I couldn't believe it. Zach said "wow mom, your the first one of us to get our name in a published book! your famous!" :) I couldn't believe it when I read it. I'm so honored. And I haven't really done anything other than like her & her writing. Which trust me, both of those things come easy. I know you will love her too.
It's a beautiful book, called The Sun Is Snowing, Poetry & Prose by C. JoyBell C. It's one I know you will want to have. And not just because my name happens to be in it! :) Some day Charity & I will meet face to face, and I will have her autograph my book for me! Here's a link to order it for yourself. I know you will love it & her as much as I do.
Tell me what you are reading this year!
I just read "Black Like Me" by John Howard Griffen. It was first published in 1962, but just now read it. It is a true story of a writer who by medication & dye had his skin turn black, that he could go to the deep south in 1959 to see how Black people were treated. It really made me examine myself and keep in check that I don't treat anyone badly. One of the quotes that I thought so profound was "Deprive a man of any contact with the pleasures of the spirit and he'll fall completely into those of the flesh." It was a great book!
I just finished "Three Cups of Tea" by Greg Mortenson. He is establishing schools in northern Pakistan and Afghanistan, many for girls, in an effort to promote peace through education. Amazing story of what just one man can do.
Now I am reading "Dewey" by Vicki Myron. Such a fun story about a cat who found a home in an Iowa library. His full name is Dewey Readmore Books! I laugh too loud so can't read this in bed with a sleeping husband! The part about rubber bands is hilarious, especially since I am owned by a cat who has the same fetish!
The wonders of the internet never fail to surprise me. How amazing is it to have a book dedicated to you by an author you have only met over the internet? Boggles the mind. Good for you.
Cool reading list! I love books, love to read, but the last 9 months I have been in a reading drought, hope that changes very soon!
Star!!!!!! I can't believe I only saw this now!!!!!!
I want to thank you very much, but you don't seem to realize how important you are! You should realize this! Don't you remember when you told me that one day I would publish my work and be a great writer and you know it?? I guess you forgot!! You did!! I remember how I felt, I felt all swollen up inside with so many kinds of good feelings!! You believed in me!! And not in a suggestive sort of a way, but a really aggressive sort of a way, which was different!! So, you really are important, Star!!!
Koe WW and Jilly Nines are a father and daughter team, Koe is a blogger and he often used to blog about his autistic daughter, Jilly who calls herself "Jilly Nines" .. and not having grown up with a father, I felt I was able to experience that relationship through Koe's writings, which helped to make me a little wonderful. :)
Joy Brasington and Stacey Cannon are also two women that I met through the same way I met you! The all-around-the-world thing! :) They were both also very supportive of me.
Of course you are my real true friend, one that's closer to me than some people I am related to! We don't have to be near each other to be close in the heart!
Thank you so much for this piece, I'm very thankful. :)
Authors who get featured by Oprah are just so very very lucky! *sighs" If Oprah happens to like something or someone- that's it!!!! That's the BIG BREAK!!!!
But reviews and recommendations from people like Star Forbis are no less important than Oprah's! :)
Love you,
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