So, Here We Go Yet Again . . . My Husband & I have been in Ministry for well over 20 years now. We have averaged to stay in a position for from about 6 to 8 years. Until recently, due to the economy mostly, we have been let go by (including the Church we are at now) 4 Churches within the last 2 and a half years. Talk about a Roller Coaster Ride!
Yes, we get to start job hunting once again. Sending Resumes all over the country. Waiting. Praying. Hoping. Dealing with Frustration & Disappointment. A Roller Coaster of emotion. Did I mention I don't like Roller Coasters?! It's true, my favorite ride at Disneyland is, It's A Small World! :)
It's been a long road these last few years. Not knowing what's going to happen, where the money is going to come from to make our bills. Longing to be back in Full Time Ministry, at a job we love and we're made to do. It's hard not to get discouraged. Especially when it keeps happening!
This week, at my Mom's funeral actually, after John sung a song, beautifully I might add, :) a Pastor we used to work for called him over & said some words we will never forget. She said, "I just want you to know that you are worth way more than what you are going through right now!" Then she want on to say, "No, I mean it. Don't give up on your dream." When John confided that he's at the point of being just about ready to give up those dreams, she said, "Don't you dare! You go on Dreaming! And you dream even bigger than you ever have before!" I Love that! We are both dreamers by nature, but it's hard when nothing keeps happening. We just needed this reminder.
No, I don't like Roller Coasters, but I do tend to like Change! The new, the unknown, the limitless possibility! Earlier while we were going through my Mom's battle with Cancer, John said to me that maybe this is why we hadn't gotten a job somewhere, because God knew we needed to be here with my Mom. My girls will be starting High School this Fall and this actually would be a good time for a move perhaps. So, it's back to the drawing board for us, climbing back on that Roller Coaster, hopefully for the last time for a long time! Don't be alarmed if you hear some screams! (From me that is, John actually loves real roller coasters, but not the emotional kind!) So, Please Pray for us. For God's will in our lives. For our God given dreams to be realized. And dream with us, won't you?! And above all: Dream Big!
1 comment:
When thinking about God's provision, I always remember how you lost your job, then how you got a job at Shade after talking to your neighbor, was it?...Quickly you were promoted and got the manager position to add to your resume.
I've been on this roller coaster and I grieve for the agony your family faces, yet know that all these threads that are being snipped short are creating an amazing tapestry. You ARE in God's hand.
We are praying.
P.S. Has John ever thought of doing some worship cds? I used to play the ones from church in the car, but have lost them. I've always been tempted to ask him what some good downloads would be, but didn't want to bug him. A cd by him would be better than a download!
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