I'm starting something new on the Blog, I'm calling it Twitter Tuesday! (Cute Logo the Hubby made for me huh?!) And today is the first installment! You know how much I LOVE Twitter! I even now have ALL my kids on Twitter! We are a Social Media loving family. (Well, except for Zach, who goes along just to appease us. We got him on Twitter, so he could keep us updated from Mt. Rainier last summer.) I follow Friends, Family members, Authors of Books I've read, some Celebrities & Politicians, other Bloggers I read, etc.
And it's not just for socializing. I must say I've learned from Twitter. The other day there was a question on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire that I got correct, because of Twitter. It was who said some famous quote, I knew it was Elenore Roosevelt, because I had seen the quote on, of all places, Twitter! I get my News from Twitter. Celebrity & Political gossip. And even get great deals from companies all on Twitter!
So at least one Tuesday every month (maybe more, as I see really great or funny Tweets!) I'm going to share them with you right here on the Blog! If you are on Twitter you can follow me here. So, welcome to Twitter Tuesday!
Since as I'm writing this it is the Chinese New Year, I thought I'd start by sharing something I Tweeted about this time last year, straight form a Fortune Cookie I ate that day:
"Be Quicker of Mind than of Tongue,"
And here's one from WomenOfHistory Inspirational Quotes that I just love:
"Well behaved women seldom make history."
This one comes from Greatest Quotes:
"Never let your memories be greater than your dreams." - Doug Ivester
And as we are starting out this New Year, I leave you with a Tweet from Oprah:
"Doing the best at this moment
puts you I the best place for the next moment."
puts you I the best place for the next moment."
Let's make our next moment, this New Year, our Best one yet!
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