"If you're really Santa Claus, you can get it for me. And if you can't , you're only a nice man with a white beard like mother says." Weather you prefer the Original made in 1947, or the remake from 1994, Miracle On 34th Street is a Christmas Classic. Both are great movies, in which the real Santa finds himself working, playing himself, at Macy's Department store! And ends up on trial to determine his sanity for believing he is who he says he is. And a bit of trivia for you Moms & Daughters out there, who like us, love the American Girl Dolls, if you look closely in the end of the newer version, under the Christmas Tree you will see a Kit Doll! (just thought I'd throw that in for free!) :)

It's not just Kris that's on trial, it's everything he stands for.
It's kindness and joy and love and all the other intangibles.
But the real Miracle of Christmas isn't Santa being able to fly around the world on one night & fill our stockings. It's that God sent his only Son to earth to be born a baby who would grow up to be the sacrifice for our sins. So that we all could become the son's & daughters of God & have eternal life with him! And this Christmas finds us in need of a Miracle. Many of you know my Husband was laid off from his job as a Worship Pastor. In this economy, so many Churches are struggling financially. Which means the majority of Churches are using volunteers, or are only hiring part time leaders. We have sent Resume's all around the Country & are excited for the next season of Ministry in our lives. But to be totally honest with you, the longer we wait, the harder it is to stay positive. Even for a glass is half full type person like me! :) Yes, even I find myself struggling. My husband is the most talented, hardest working man I've ever known. And I question at times why would God give him so much musical talent & the skills to be a great leader only to have him standing behind a cash register?

and that's what's been changing.
That's why I'm glad I'm here, maybe I can do something about it.
And I'm reminded again of that first Christmas, when God put a Star in the sky to point the Wise Men in the direction they should go to Worship. (And of course being named Star & being born on Christmas day, this part of the story has always held great meaning for me!) :) But right now, it's us who need to be pointed in the right direction. We are willing to follow. It's hard at times not to feel alone or abandoned, yet I know God is always in control. And His timing is perfect. Even though we don't understand why things happen, we can rest in the knowledge that "all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)

For the past 50 years or so
I've been getting more and more worried about Christmas.
Seems we're all so busy trying to beat the other fellow
in making things go faster and look shinier and cost less
that Christmas and I are sort of getting lost in the shuffle.
And even in my struggle, I'm reminded time and again by my own kids of the Miracle of Christmas, a month or so ago my 20 year old son, Zach came to me & said "I don't need, or really want anything, so I don't want you guys to get me anything for Christmas, and I have some money, I can pitch in to help with the girls' Christmas." Then my girls went to hang out at the mall with a friend & when I picked them up they were telling me all about all the fun they had & they had used gift cards they got at their Birthday Party to buy me a Christmas present. Breaks my heart. And I came home after a long day at work to find my Husband & Sons had put up our Christmas lights. So even when things look bleak, God is Faithful.
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