The first one on the list is a good one: Serendipity. A romantic comedy starring Kate Beckinsale & John Cusack. They are shopping on Christmas Eve in New York City & both pick up the same pair of gloves, they argue over who gets them, she does, of course! So she takes him out for a Coffee to repay him for his generosity. She takes him to her favorite restaurant called Serendipity. Hence the title of the film!
Jonathan: How'd you find this place?
Sara: I first came in because of the name: Serendipity.
It's one of my favorite words.
Jonathan: It is? Why?
Sara: It's such a nice sounding work for what it means:
a fortunate accident.
They totally hit it off, but since they are both dating other people at the time, she doesn't want to pursue anything. So they decide to let "the Universe" decide for them. They put his name & phone number on a $5.00 Bill & buy some gum with it, and put her name & number in a Book she has & sells it to a used Book Store. If they find them again someday it will be fate! Well years pass & a lot of fun ensues, and well you just have to see it to find out how it ends up!Sara: I first came in because of the name: Serendipity.
It's one of my favorite words.
Jonathan: It is? Why?
Sara: It's such a nice sounding work for what it means:
a fortunate accident.
Jonathan: I hope you enjoy the gloves you bought yourself.
Sara: Oh, I'm sure I will, I usually enjoy my own thoughtfulness.
As someone who enjoys picking out her own Christmas presents, I can relate! :) I watch this movie every Christmas season. But this year was the first year my (now 14 year old) daughters watched it with me, and they really liked it too! It's a sweet movie.
Sara: Oh, I'm sure I will, I usually enjoy my own thoughtfulness.
As someone who enjoys picking out her own Christmas presents, I can relate! :) I watch this movie every Christmas season. But this year was the first year my (now 14 year old) daughters watched it with me, and they really liked it too! It's a sweet movie.

It's just not the right time now.
Jonathon: Maybe we're supposed to meet on British time
and we're five hours too early.
Sara: You don't have to understand. You just have to have faith.
Jonathon: Faith in what?
Sara: Destiny
Is there really one true Soul Mate out there for each of us? If you are a romantic, you will like this movie. And if your not, well, you just might become one. Like Sara's friend Eve tells her: And if you're smart enough, you learn from your mistakes. You figure it out. You . . you think. You realize that life isn't some elaborate stage play with directions for the actors. Life's a mess, Sara. It's . . . Chaos Personified. So, Here's to some Serendipity, or fortunate accidents coming our way! We could all use some fortune, accidental or not! :)
That was such a good movie! I think I need to dig through my videos and pull out all the Christmas ones and spend a day on the couch!
Merry Christmas!
This is on my list of Christmas movies, too. I just came across another older comedy that is a great feel-good Christmas move. It's It Happened on Fifth Avenue. If you watch it I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
This is on my list of Christmas movies, too. I just came across another older comedy that is a great feel-good Christmas move. It's It Happened on Fifth Avenue. If you watch it I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
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